Messy Garage? Here’s How to Tackle it!

A garage is a space for many different types of things – tools, appliances, vehicles, furniture, cleaning/gardening products, storage – the list could go on and on. With so many different things stored in your garage, it’s east to create complete chaos. Let’s be real, you have to be a certain type of person to have a clean garage, you know what I’m sayin? We have put together a list of things to help you tackle the big job that is organizing the garage.

1. Create a clean slate

When you are beginning to create anything (for most) it’s easiest to start with a clean slate. If you have room outside of your garage or even in your backyard, take most things out and create that blank canvas. Once you have a clean area, it is easier to envision your spotless garage as well. Sweep, throw away unused boxes/garbage and put together a pile of things you either want to donate or sell.

2. Sort likes with likes

Now that you have your clean, blank canvas, it’s time to sort likes with likes! To help you in the future to navigate your area without trouble, put the yard tools in a pile, sort your gardening and cleaning products into their own pile, and so on. By doing this you are paving the way to never having a messy garage ever again! ( we hope!)

3. Decide what goes where

Once you have your clean garage and your likes with likes, now it’s time to decide where everything goes! Whatever you use the most would make sense to put int the most accessible corner, am I right? On the contrary, whatever you use the least would make sense to put in a less accessible corner to utilize your space the best. There is no specific rhyme or reason to how you HAVE to do it, just more so on what makes the most sense to you!

4. Create shelving/organizational systems

Storage systems are the big necessities of garage organization. Cabinets to hide things you don’t want sitting out can clear up the clutter. Peg boards to help display your most used tools for easy grab and go access for any project. Hooks can help you hang out your yard tools instead of shoving them in a pile in the corner. There are so many different ways to use systems to keep you garage clutter free and accessible.

5. Extra tips n tricks

Pro Tip #1: Having as many things off the ground can help keep away clutter. Remember to use vertical storage as much as possible to create the illusion of a tidy garage space.

Pro Tip #2: Sometimes your garage has some pretty valuable things in it – make sure to keep an updated inventory of what is in there for insurance purposed if you’re ever in a bind.

Pro Tip #3: It’s all about the lighting. If there is proper lighting in your garage it will be easier to create a clean space. Without useful lighting it’s easier to let the clutter build up because you simply cannot see it!

Has this blog given you the motivation to get your garage in order? If yes then give us a like! Or better yet, share it with someone you know also has a messy garage. We are all about organization over here! 🙂

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